1. The day this orphaned kitten pushed his stepbrother around in a tiny, kitten-sized shopping cart
Via: dailymail.co.uk
2. The dual, simultaneous, equiversal kisses planted on this lucky otter by his two best friends.
Via: telegraph.co.uk
3. Four legendary birthday parties for, respectively, a stoned dog, two chinchillas, an existential cat, and Ludwig the elephant.
Via: heavy.com
Via: wot.wowstead.com
Via: aikunioka.seesaa.net
Via: imgur.com
Via: bunnyfood
8. The fateful day when Boo the pomeranian hid inside a pile of Boos and then fell asleep.
Via: facebook.com
Via: facebook.com
9. The baby elephant who spent a day at the beach and had the time of her life.
Via: oddstuffmagazine.com
Via: oddstuffmagazine.com
Via: oddstuffmagazine.com
11. The cute but tragic but, let's be honest, more cute than tragic Panda Slide Accident of 2008.
Via: break.com
13. And then also the time that this panda thing happened.
Image by China Daily / Reuters
15. The little girl who saved a baby lamb from a volcano in Iceland.
Via: loldamn.com
Via: globalanimal.org
17. That time when all the cats decided to imitate all the babies and totally nailed it.
Via: sweet-blog.blog.cz
18. The photobooth proposal that totally worked.
Via: angelaandithyle.com
20. The basset hounds who won that race where two basset hounds RACE RIGHT INTO YOUR HEART.
Via: julieklausner
23. Or the pug who pushed her toy baby pugs around in a stroller. With a parasol.
Via: jennythepug.com
Via: jennythepug.com
Via: jennythepug.com
Via: jennythepug.com
Via: jennythepug.com
Via: jennythepug.com
24. Or (for God's sake) the seeing-eye pug who helps her blind pug friend get around.
Via: dailymail.co.uk
25. And also while we are on the "seeing-eye" topic, let's talk just real quicklike about this seeing-eye cat who see-eyes for a labrador out of the great and glorious goodness of her heart.
26. Then there was the time we all learned what happens when you burn someone's feelings.
Source: passiveaggressive / via: passiveaggressivenotes.com
27. And the time an opossum broke into a bakery and ate so many danishes that he couldn't leave.
Via: imgur.com
29. There was a partially paralyzed kanagaroo who became a therapy animal for an Oklahoma woman suffering from depression.
The town of Broken Arrow unanimously voted to create an exemption to their exotic animals ordinance so that the inseparable Carr and Irwin could continue their lives together.
Image by Sue Ogrock / AP
34. The threatening letter to the Tooth Fairy.
Source: passiveaggressive / via: passiveaggressivenotes.com
Via: bunnyfood
37. One awesome toy company decided to make children's drawings into weird plush toys.
Via: childsown.com
Via: heather_mendonca
Via: hueiweiku
Via: lilbub.com
Via: lilbub.com
Via: cuteoverload.com
Via: cuteoverload.com
Via: cuteoverload.com
Via: cuteoverload.com
Via: cuteoverload.com
44. Then there was the mouse who climbed to the summit of a dandelion just because it was there.
Via: dailymail.co.uk
47. The dog who got older but who - what I am trying to say is that the important point of this story is that HE IS BEST FRIENDS WITH A CHEETAH.
Via: intradayfun.com
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