Bend it like Beckham...bend the light travelling in straight line....Invisibility cloak now a reality – perfect demonstration
Invisibility is a notion that fascinated humans for centuries or even
millennia; it’s just one of those things which never gets old,
regardless of the period. We now know that, since we see objects because
light bounces of their surface, if we want to make something invisible,
you have to prevent it from reflecting light – simple in theory,
extremely hard to practice. However, in 2006, invisibility became more
of a practical matter, with the suggestion that artificially structured
metamaterials could enable a new electromagnetic design paradigm –
something which is now called transformation optics.
Since this term
was coined, transformation optics has developed significantly – so
greatly that it forced researchers to make simplifying approximations to
achieve even a subset of the desired functionality. The problems with
most devices spawned here – despite many ‘invisibility cloaks’ being
tested successfully, they all reflected some of the incident light,
which made the illusion incomplete. This new research, published in
Nature Materials showed how to pull that trick off flawlessly. Nathan
Landy & David R. Smith teamed up in an effort to take things to the
first level. Despite the perfection of their method, this only works
from one direction, and with microwaves. But this is no spherical cow
approach – it holds great promise for the future. The material
structures which can create such remarkable features are all but
impossible to create, and again, some approximations were made. So when
you would use your invisibility cloak, while you would see the image
behind your object, you would see it distorted, mostly darkened – not
very useful to make something invisible, but noticeable. Now, Prof Smith
and his Duke colleague have used a different approach. They have
reworked the edges of the cloak, ensuring the light passes with around
the cloak with completely no reflections. The trick was to used a
diamond shaped cloak with properties carefully matched at the diamond’s
“This to our knowledge is the first cloak that really
addresses getting the transformation exactly right to get you that
perfect invisibility,” Prof Smith told BBC News.
However, it was a “win some lose some” approach. While the illusion is perfect, it only works from one direction.
“It’s like the card people in Alice in Wonderland,” Prof Smith
explained. “If they turn on their sides you can’t see them but they’re
obviously visible if you look from the other direction.”
This wouldn’t even be the biggest problem. It would be extremely hard
to make the device function at optical wavelengths, which are much
larger than those of the microwaves. However, this could be extremely
useful in many applications, principally telecommunications and radar,
for which it could greatly improve the performance.
“The cloak we
demonstrated in 2006 as a kind of microwave device would be very poor,
but this one gets us to something that could be potentially useful,”
Prof Smith said. “I think it’s something that a lot of people can build
on. Everything in this field is going to come down to what you can make,
what you can design. And I think this steps up the design.”
Bend it like Beckham...bend the light travelling in straight line....Invisibility cloak now a reality – perfect demonstration
Invisibility is a notion that fas
humans for centuries or even millennia; it’s just one of those things
which never gets old, regardless of the period. We now know that, since
we see objects because light bounces of their surface, if we want to
make something invisible, you have to prevent it from reflecting light –
simple in theory, extremely hard to practice. However, in 2006,
invisibility became more of a practical matter, with the suggestion that
artificially structured metamaterials could enable a new
electromagnetic design paradigm – something which is now called
transformation optics.
Since this term was coined, transformation
optics has developed significantly – so greatly that it forced
researchers to make simplifying approximations to achieve even a subset
of the desired functionality. The problems with most devices spawned
here – despite many ‘invisibility cloaks’ being tested successfully,
they all reflected some of the incident light, which made the illusion
incomplete. This new research, published in Nature Materials showed how
to pull that trick off flawlessly. Nathan Landy & David R. Smith
teamed up in an effort to take things to the first level. Despite the
perfection of their method, this only works from one direction, and with
microwaves. But this is no spherical cow approach – it holds great
promise for the future. The material structures which can create such
remarkable features are all but impossible to create, and again, some
approximations were made. So when you would use your invisibility cloak,
while you would see the image behind your object, you would see it
distorted, mostly darkened – not very useful to make something
invisible, but noticeable. Now, Prof Smith and his Duke colleague have
used a different approach. They have reworked the edges of the cloak,
ensuring the light passes with around the cloak with completely no
reflections. The trick was to used a diamond shaped cloak with
properties carefully matched at the diamond’s corners.
“This to our
knowledge is the first cloak that really addresses getting the
transformation exactly right to get you that perfect invisibility,” Prof
Smith told BBC News.
However, it was a “win some lose some” approach. While the illusion is perfect, it only works from one direction.
“It’s like the card people in Alice in Wonderland,” Prof Smith
explained. “If they turn on their sides you can’t see them but they’re
obviously visible if you look from the other direction.”
This wouldn’t even be the biggest problem. It would be extremely hard
to make the device function at optical wavelengths, which are much
larger than those of the microwaves. However, this could be extremely
useful in many applications, principally telecommunications and radar,
for which it could greatly improve the performance.
“The cloak we
demonstrated in 2006 as a kind of microwave device would be very poor,
but this one gets us to something that could be potentially useful,”
Prof Smith said. “I think it’s something that a lot of people can build
on. Everything in this field is going to come down to what you can make,
what you can design. And I think this steps up the design.”
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